Summary, 10.25.24

I am open to help, actively attempt to lend it, but I will not help anyone by force. A significant number of media publications have been contacted to fairly level the playing field for the Presidential candidates. (Please see blog posts below.) Take it or leave it. 

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Today, around 6 PM, I slipped a couple of notes through the door at KOMO news location: 140 4th Ave N Seattle, WA 98109. My contact information and a picture of the silenced account on X. The note was addressed to Kelly Koopmans. Security was pretty quick to pick them up, but the notes will probably just land in the trash. I did not have a chance to speak to them. 

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Today around 5:30 PM, I left a flier of the silenced X account, ancient12000 at the front desk on 1000 Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98111. I asked the gent at the front desk to give it to Mr. Nathan Howard, a Seattle Times journalist. My contact information was included. 

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In his choice of presidential candidates Mr. Musk seeks the easy not the right way out. 

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The Chicago Tribune

Contacted The Chicago Tribune, today 10.22.24 at 1:19 PM. Email submitted to: Not the right email address as it is not necessarily a letter intended for publication but a request for referral to organization decision makers. 

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