The pictogram plots AGGRESSION AND SUICIDE related 911 calls in a District 6 multiplex linked to black mold. Years 2003 through 2020.
Each curve represents a different year and marks AT LEAST ONE 911 call from, or regarding the residential unit in question. Subsequently, a tenant is recorded as either AGGRESSIVE or SUICIDAL by law enforcement.
RED CURVES indicate a new identity.
BLACK CURVES mark residents who appears in police files, as either aggressive or suicidal during some prior year.
Please see the legend, bottom right for mouse body parts and corresponding years. The second video on this page provides a visual introduction to the pictogram.
One of the central anecdotes serving to shield our nation from RF nukes and rockets, originates on this property.
Campaign Platform:
Housing, Education, Healthcare, Preventing WWIII, Street & Systemic Crime, Government Reform,
Ancient Visionaries and the United Sates Constitution.
Please note I attempt here to raise awareness about the conditions on the property, by presenting evidence as to why I believe the residents are imperiled.
Campaign platform: assembly line healthcare. Should we allow health care insurers to own the provider? The conflict of interest between insurer and the patient is obvious. Does an unreasonable workload for practitioners create conditions for resorting to patient profiling?
Patient profiling. Weight, age, "an occasional drink?", "smoke?" "vape?" etc., and last but not least, the profile no one seems to care for, socioeconomic stereotype. Patient profiling has the potential to kill.
By the end of this presentation, you will understand how black mold could affect you, even if you are never exposed to it. You will also witness how healthcare and enterprise handle the topic with elected office blessings.
The following video was taken on the property in the pictogram.
Despite evidence and argument this property was cleared by the courts for public use.
Healthcare and direct patient, provider conflicts of interest.
Though reliable tests for exposure to mycotoxins (toxins produced by black mold) were available, Kaiser Permanente never disclosed "a lack of intent to investigate" or the market availability of said tests. Black mold leads to litigation. So, because the providers run the risk of a court subpoena, many simply ignore the patients' complaints. (An attractive solution particularly for large, corporate healthcare.) As you will see, the providers are sentencing the patients, their families, and the community to long term toxic exposure.
Background of the story:
The night I collect the mold sample in the video I have a mild, but clear anaphylactic shock reaction.
“What does it matter, now that you are out of there?” asks the KP allergist. He is provided with the mold sample, and unwavering claims of a type 1 allergic reaction. Apart from Ulocladium, the identity of the other molds in the sample is unknown. However, instead using the sample to perform a skin test, the allergist orders an IGE test to Ulocladium, which he already knows will return negative.
Kaiser Permanente care becomes complicit to stimulating the very act it is designed to undermine. Close to 3 years later, I file civil suit against the property, as at this point, I'm still looking for answers to my anaphylactic shock reaction. What I learn in the process astounds. While I would not change my lot in this story, I dread the fate of unsuspecting victims.
Eventually, I find an independent doctor willing to test for black mold exposure. The results return positive for trichothecenes, zearalenone, and gliotoxins which are toxins produced by Stachybotrys (black mold,) Fusarium and more, and Aspergillus. By this time, I had moved into a ~ 3-year-old building and I have no reason to suspect structural integrity problems. Nonetheless, I run environmental tests which return negative for mold problems.
Positive for: trichothecenes 0.121 ppb; gliotoxins 1.667 ppb; zearalenone 0.803 ppb.

Of course, possible exposure was reported in KP years before the tests above were run. After having to review my post-visit summaries (compelled only by the civil process, only) I found most of the doctors were building an aggressive case against "health-effects potentially due to toxic mold exposure" from the moment the discovery was reported. The attitudes of the physician in the document below were however an exception to the practice. The evidence I introduce here, my health history prior to moving onto the property, and the lack of KP medical investigation on point, are in disagreement with the conclusions the majority of KP providers were recording in my health files.

I began suspecting cross-contamination of personal property before I could find a doctor willing to run appropriate testing. Before replacing most of my belongings, I decided to save and freeze a sample of body fluids. After the test results above came back positive, I tested the frozen sample as well. Only trichothecenes stayed in solution at 0.157 ppb. The doctors prescribe emulsifying agents before testing as it is believed the body reabsorbs some of the toxins otherwise. I did not take any emulsifying agents before saving the sample. The actual concentration was likely higher. Please note this concentration is already higher than the one determined in the test above. This test indicates mycotoxin cross-contamination of personal property is of long duration.

Black mold and the unsuspecting public.
The years lapsed between the discovery in the video above, and the time the "right tests" were administered, indicate mycotoxins travel with the victims, and have low dissipation rates. So, do mycotoxins behave more like unguents than highly volatile substances?
By contrast, some doctors believe the patient's body retains the toxins, or suspect other physiological processes related to exposure. Unfortunately, spare rare exceptions, black mold is a low income and working-class problem. Is this the reason we do not have the answers yet?
Campaign platform: street and systemic crime. Substance abuse, mental health and our neighborhoods.
Ernie, a 10-year resident committed suicide in 2019.
In 2017 I called the Health Department before vacating the property. For 4 years, I walked out of Kaiser Permanente ever more confused than heading in. As the forces I appealed to were undermining discovery, I turned to public records for trends that might corroborate my suspicions.
Below, a statistical report by the police department for our protagonist structure. At the time I moved onto the property I was a UW student of Biochemistry, one course to completion of my bachelor's degree. I also placed in the top 2 percent on the national standardized test for organic chemistry before the test was simplified due to high student failure rate. It does not make me a research scientist, but I am an individual with experience of exposure, and a basic understanding of science.
Mycotoxins likely multiply community crime.
The hypotheses I recommend for research are:
1. Black mold produces powerful neurotoxins, and the victims are likely to unwittingly medicate with substance abuse.
2. Deleterious reactions between mycotoxins and alcohol affect the respiratory tract. The reaction is rapid, the "initial" effects transient, and my discoveries suggest their severity depends on the intensity of exposure. (The reaction is documented in the 911 files.) The identity of the products of reaction, and their long-term physiological impact are among the many unanswered questions on topic.
We should administer mycotoxin testing to all victims of depression, suicide, suspicious deaths (particularly those involving alcohol) and violent crime offenders. It is the only humane and intelligent way to begin determining the percentage of affected population. Moreover, once you identify a victim, you will likely discover many.
We need greater government investment in understanding the biochemistry of suicide, aggression and substance abuse if we want to protect our communities. Victims of neurological imbalance visit the same public centers we do.

What is crime?
Campaign platform: Civil litigation, a commercial crime stimulant.
Many corporate structure, environmental testing companies refuse service to renters. The risk of being pulled into litigation stimulates dark behavioral patterns in business and healthcare. It is time to rethink the application of "justice" to commercial injury.
What is crime? The courts.
Campaign platform. Systemic injury, the courts and public safety.
Despite all evidence and expert opinion, roughly the following, was the most crucial argument presented to the courts:
All RATIONAL EVIDENCE, EXPERTS AND ARGUMENT point to the property as a public safety hazard. By dismissing the case, the courts are sending all past, present and future residents a message the building is habitable, while preventing further evidence, witnesses, and expert testimony from being introduced into public records.
Did they care? Of course not. The case was dismissed.
I argued my own case. However, considering the risks to public safety and the burden of evidence, an attorney is beside the point. But before you say “I see your problem. The courts are meticulous systems for dotting your i's and crossings your t's" follow what happens:
The superior court dismissed the case after the defendant sent an email to the judge requesting him to hold a "motion to dismiss the case" outside of the deadline for all motions. A direct email to the judge's bench? It looks like the courts are not nearly as procedurally complex and rigorous as they would have us believe. An affidavit from my KP specialist (who happened to have been temporarily out of town) was presented to the judge's bench the day before the hearing. It was also emailed to the defendant. The document prepared by My Kaiser Permanente GI expert, a UW professor, with 40 + years of practice as well as clinical research experience, directly negated the defendant's "expert?" claims. Even though KP did not investigate toxic mold exposure, the specialist ran tests to eliminate all other possible explanations. What did the judge do? He asked the defendant if the court should allow my expert's affidavit to be considered. I am not a lawyer, but I had to study the law governing the process, and its language and intent seemed fairly straight forward. According to my understanding, the judge's choice stood 180 degrees from the stipulations of the law. How frequently are the judges dismissing the law? More important, is it "just" the residents had no right to be informed their health may be endangered?
I post here an excerpt from the opinion of my allergies and environmental exposure specialist, an outside KP provider. It was introduced in court records and considered during the motion to dismiss.

You can find one of my efforts to appeal to the courts and the defendant for the safety of the residents at the bottom of the page.
So, from what you've seen, why wouldn't any landlord rent a toxic building to the unsuspecting public? The justice department is more likely to bury the evidence than to care for prospective victims. Nobody suggests throwing everyone in prison, but we must review and revise the justice department, the power of the judge, and the function of the courts. So, I will not say "if," but "when" science proves some mycotoxins are powerful, behavior altering neurotoxins, how many of their own victims have the judges jailed? Unfortunately (and to a large extent, due to systemic shortcomings) we have but one basic way of dealing with crime. The problem is the definition of crime has become highly selective to the justice department.
Below, one of my attempts to make arrangements for the welfare of other residents.

The multi-faceted, multi victim, ongoing injustice I presented, illustrates our plight, and exemplifies how elected officials have been managing healthcare, housing, crime, injustice and mental health over the last few decades. This is an opportunity to compare and contrast the system, with the lip service to modest Americans, flaunted by the ordinary politicians asking us to vote them into office.
Universal college access to the hard-working, willing to try, and guaranteed teaching reform.

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