Running as a write-in candidate for Representative, 6th Congressional District, WA.
Please write on the ballot: Ram, or ancient, or ancient12000, or Ancient Ram, or Ancient12000 Ram.
Website and campaign platform overview:
Page X: Institutionalized college deception. The purpose of higher learning should be cultivating the potential of every willing individual. On page X, I advocate college access reform, and steps to eliminate institutionalized college deception.
Page Y illustrates public office and corporate healthcare attitudes towards public health and safety.
Evidence versus a large, district6 rental property linked to black mold. Discovery suggests at least 4 residents likely died as a result of exposure. Of course, neither the justice department nor corporate healthcare properly investigate toxic mold reports. As far as I know, I am the first person to discover mycotoxins are transported from contaminated housing into subsequent dwellings. This exponentially amplifies exposure rates and public hazards. The building is currently an active rental. Page Y is a public service addressing paragraph 4 of my voters' pamphlet statement. (I was on the ballot as a 2024 US Senate candidate for WA.) Much love to you, and your instinctive and cognitive vote. I haven't a doubt that would proper public exposure, there would have been many more of us. Love, be loved in return and stay blessed.
Pages WA1-WA3.
A few random people and works of providence sheltered the US from Mr. Putin's retaliation as Congress signed its first 40 billion dollars aid package to Ukraine. Page WA-2 explains why 22 was most likely becoming a nuclear year. 24 is a massive elections year around the world. Many politicians are simply pacing themselves waiting to reassume office. The war will not proceed as it has to this point. If nations fail to monitor their governments, expect NATO to become more likely to initiate WW3 than the Russian Federation. Russia could bring its own allies into this plan for genocide. I have proposed a solution to the war that sheds NO blood, will do right by Ukraine, and prevents future warfare for generations to come.
What are some of the real problems most WA residents must face on a daily basis?
Wages and cost of living. A related topic is loss of employment due to automation. Please see page X for a promising solution to the latter. We should fight for fair wages, but as industry becomes less dependent on labor, our bargaining power will decline.
Healthcare? How long do you have to wait for an appointment with your doctor? Are you guaranteed an appropriate medical investigation? How many of us will be profiled within a lifetime and how is assembly line corporate healthcare contributing to the phenomenon?
Street crime?
How about systemic crime? How much of the street crime is stimulated by exposure to neurotoxins which the government fails to investigate and treat? (Please see page Y.)
Women's rights? Have we gained or lost ground lately?
LGBTQ tolerance? Various anecdotes by @ancient12000 (please see pages WA1-WA3, only central story included) were likely the inspiration behind the Vatican's shift in attitudes towards the LGBTQ community. I believe I can inspire a further, positive transformation at the populations level as well.
How about education? If you are in college, would like your instructor to know your name or even be aware you are in the classroom? That is not likely in an auditorium housing anywhere between 100 to 600 students. How about equal access for all students to basic study tools?
Would any Washingtonian like a chance to train for their dream career and meaningful help in doing so? Please see page X for institutionalized, unfair college practices, socioeconomically based access, and my proposed economic reform.
National security hazards, inflation, government spending in all the wrong places, a lack of compassion in government, public mental health and politically driven hatred... Our problems abound because they have not been properly addressed by the government for decades.
Universal college access to the hard-working, willing to try, and guaranteed teaching reform.

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